Are there any aquatic animals that are considered more intelligent than dolphins?

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 Yes, there are.

Manta rays and Orcas are considered to be among the most intelligent aquatic animals, and some exhibit behaviors that rival dolphins.

  1. Manta rays

Have large brains relative to their body size, with well-developed areas for learning, problem-solving, and communication. They can recognize themselves in a mirror, which suggests they have some level of self-awareness. Also playful and curious around humans.

Manta ray hears the dinner bell Norbert Wu/Minden Pictures/FLPA

Use sight and smell to map their surroundings. Collaborate during hunting and form complex social relationships.

They are considered to be highly intelligent fish.

2. Orcas

Have large brains that allow them to store memories and quickly assess signals from nerves.

They are among the most intelligent marine mammals and are considered to be one of the smartest animals in the world.

Orcas (also known as killer whales) are highly social creatures that develop intricate social networks primarily based on strong family ties and alliances within their pods, with the core structure revolving around a matriline led by an older female, forming complex relationships between individuals within the group.

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