1. JavaScript
Create by - Brendan Eich of Netscape
Release - 4 December 1995
Used - to developing web page, web server
Create by - WHATWG and W3C / W3C
Release - 1993 / 17 December 1996
Used - web development ((structuring pages &link page & media) / (style and layout the pages))
3. Python
Create by - Guido van Rossum
Release - 20 February 1991
Used - Data analysis, AI & ML ,Web development, scientific numeric, desktop GUI, SEO, Automation, building software , cyber security
4. SQL
Create by - Donald D. Chamberlin, Raymond F. Boyce,
Release - 1974
Used - database (storing, updating, retrieving data), process data on database.
5. TypeScript
Create by - Microsoft
Release - 1 October 2012
Used - Building applications, Catching mistakes, Making code more readable, work with JS code both server and client side , AI
6. Bash - Shell program
Create by - Chet Ramey
Release - 8 June 1989
Used - automate task , manage files , work with CSV file
7. Java
Create by - James Gosling, Sun Microsystems
Release - May 23, 1995
Used - app development, enterprise software, IoT, game development, AI , serverless application
8. C#
Create by - Anders Hejlsberg, Microsoft, Mads Torgersen
Release - 2000
Used - window application, games , OS , cloud and database service, robotics , AI
9. C++
Create by - Bjarne Stroustrup
Release - 1985
Used - software development, OS , browser development, games development, VR , AR
10. C
Create by - Dennis Ritchie
Release - 1972
Used - OS , database, Compiler , embedded system, browser engine, IoT , application development , software development