1. Excuses don't burn calories
2. You can either make time for fitness or be forced to make time for illness.
3. Daily beers are destroying your gains and health.
4. Cardio is a waste of time if you want to lose fat.
5. Your body counts every calorie, even if you don't.
6. Eat your body weight in protein every day.
7. Get comfortable eating the same meals every week.
8. Plant protein is destroying your gut and wallet. Avoid.
9. Don’t rely on motivation. Build systems.
10. 3-5 decades of bad habits are not reversed in 6 weeks. Be patient.
11. Comfort is the most dangerous drug in the world. Seek discomfort.
12. If your schedule is too full for 3 hours/week in the gym, your priorities are broken.
13. Stop cutting out entire food groups. Carbs are not making you fat. Too many calories are.
14. There is no magic pill or diet - if you have made progress from keto or vegan it's just because you were eating less processed sh*t.
15. Muscle will burn more fat than any amount of cardio.
16. You don’t have bad genes, you're just eating too much processed garbage. Stop It.
17. If you are unhappy, take action. It's not enough to read about it.
18. No time for exercise? You’ll have plenty when you’re sick, weak, and burned out.
19. Consistency is always better than perfection.
20. Lifting weights will be a chore until you start to see progress. Then it becomes a game.
21. Quick fixes like "30 day shreds" and fad diets are not long term solutions.
But most guys try them, f*ck up their metabolism, and burn themselves out.
If you want to lose the weight (for good) and build lean muscle: