How can you describe the biggest star found in the whole known universe?

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The biggest known star in the universe is 
Stephenson 2-18 (St2-18).It is a red supergiant (RSG) and is classified as one of the most massive and largest stars ever discovered. Now you may think UY Scuti is more bigger but let me tell you, UY Scuti was once considered the largest known star, but more recent observations suggest that Stephenson 2-18 (St2-18) is even bigger.

Stephenson 2–18 Characteristics :-

1. Size and Volume

  • Stephenson 2-18 is estimated to have a radius of about 2,150 times that of the Sun.
  • If it were placed at the center of our solar system, its outer layers would extend beyond the orbit of Saturn (and possibly even Uranus).
  • This means St2-18 is so large that about 10 billion Suns could fit inside it.

2. Mass

  • While it is extremely large, its mass is only about 30–40 times the Sun’s mass.
  • Most of its volume is made of very low-density gases, making it an extremely extended and “fluffy” star.

3. Temperature and Luminosity

  • St2-18 has a surface temperature of around 3,000–3,500 K, which is much cooler than our Sun (~5,778 K).
  • Despite its low temperature, it is one of the most luminous stars known, with a luminosity about 440,000 times that of the Sun.
  • This extreme brightness is due to its enormous surface area, which allows it to radiate a massive amount of energy.

4. Location

  • St2-18 is found in the Stephenson 2 cluster, which is located about 19,570 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Scutum.
  • This cluster contains many other red supergiants, but St2-18 is the largest of them all.

5. Lifespan and Fate

  • Red supergiants like St2-18 are in the late stages of stellar evolution.
  • It is expected to end its life in a supernova explosion, which will leave behind either a neutron star or a black hole.
  • Because of its massive size, it may undergo a hypernova, an even more powerful explosion than a standard supernova.

6. Why is it So Big?

  • St2-18 has reached such a huge size because it is in the final phase of its life.
  • It has exhausted most of its hydrogen fuel and has expanded dramatically as it burns heavier elements in its core.
  • UY Scuti vs. Stephenson 2-18: Which is Bigger
  • Which One is Bigger?
  • Stephenson 2-18 is larger than UY Scuti in terms of radius and volume.
  • UY Scuti was once thought to be the biggest, but newer measurements suggest St2-18 surpasses it in size.
  • However, UY Scuti is still extremely massive and remains one of the most famous red supergiants.

Why Was UY Scuti Considered the Largest?

  • UY Scuti was discovered and measured earlier than St2-18.
  • When it was first studied in 2012, astronomers estimated its size at 1,700 times the Sun’s radius, making it the largest at the time.
  • Later observations using better instruments found St2-18 to be even bigger, pushing UY Scuti to second place.

Final Answer: Stephenson 2-18 is Bigger

Yes, UY Scuti is massive, but based on current astronomical data, Stephenson 2-18 is the largest star found in the known universe.

Stephenson 2-18 is the largest known star in terms of physical size in the entire universe. It is a dying, extremely luminous red supergiant that will eventually explode in a spectacular supernova. Despite its immense size, it is not the most massive star, but it is one of the most fascinating objects ever discovered in the cosmos.

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