How do the different chakras interact with Shiva's energy?

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 The six lower chakras are associated with adyashakti bhagvati while the seventh and highest chakra the Sahasrara is linked to Lord Shiva… When Kundalini awakens Shakti rises from the Muladhara chakra moving upward through the Sushumna Nadi… On this journey she pierces three energy barriers known as granthis:

~ the Brahma Granthi near the Muladhara chakra(at the base of the spine)

~ the Vishnu Granthi near the Anahata chakra (in the heart region)

~ the Rudra Granthi near the Ajna chakra (at the third eye).

Upon reaching the Sahasrara, Shakti unites with lord Shiva leading the yogi to spiritual liberation (moksha) and the realization of immortality…. This process is deeply connected to the practice of yoga and pranayama as described in various sacred texts.

देहा.न शिवालयम् प्रोक्ता.न सिद्धिदा.न सर्वदेहिनाम्.ह |” (Yogashikha Upanishad 1:168)

"For every being with a physical form the body itself is the temple of Shiva. Through it, one can attain siddhi (the ultimate yogic goal of liberation (moksha)."

मूलाधारादिशतचक्रं शक्तिस्थानमुदिरितम्.ह | कण्ठदुपरि मूर्धन्तं शम्भवां स्थानमुच्यते |” (Varaha Upanishad 5:53)

"The six chakras, starting from the Muladhara are considered the abode of Shakti, while the region from the neck to the crown of the head is regarded as the domain of Shiva."

”नादीनमाश्रयः पिण्डो नाद्याः प्राणस्य चाश्रयः | जीवस्य निलयः प्राणो जीवो हंसस्य चाश्रयः |” (Varaha Upanishad 5:54)

"The body serves as a foundation for the Nadis; the Nadis act as a support for Prana; Prana is the abode of Jiva; and Jiva, in turn, is the resting place of Hamsa."

ह.नसाः शक्तेराधिष्ठान.न चराचरमिदा.न जगत.ह | निर्विकल्पः प्रसन्नआत्मा प्रणय.न संभवसेत्.ह |” (Varaha Upanishad 5:55)

“To Sakti, Hamsa is the seat and the locomotive and fixed universe. Being without distraction and of a calm mind, one should practise Pranayama”.

“कुम्भेन कुम्भयेत्कुम्भा.न तदन्तस्थः परा.न शिवम्.ह |” पुनरास्फालयेदाद्य सुस्थिरं कण्ठमुद्रय |” (Varaha Upanishad 5:60)

“It is only through Kumbhaka that Kumbhaka should be firmly mastered. Within it is Parama-Shiva. That (Vayu) which is non-motionless should be shaken again through Kantha-Mudra (throat-posture)”.

प्रकृतिशष्टकरूपान् च स्थानं गच्छति कुण्डलि | क्रोदिक्किरित्य शिवं याति क्रोदिकृत्य विलीयते |”

"Kundalini manifests as the eight aspects of Prakriti, ascends to Shiva by embracing him, and ultimately merges into him, dissolving its separate existence."

~ YogaKundalini Upanishad 1:74

रुद्रग्रन्थि.न च भित्तवैव कमलानि भिन्नति शट.ह | सहस्त्रकमाले शक्तिः शिवेन सहा मोदते शैवावस्था परा जनेया शैव निर्व्रीतिकारिणी इति |”

"After piercing the Rudra Granthi, Kundalini ascends through all six chakras. Finally, Shakti unites with Shiva in the Sahasrara, the thousand-petaled lotus (associated with the pineal gland). This is the supreme state, granting ultimate liberation (Kaivalya or Sayujya Moksha)."

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