But when cruel emporer aurangzeb got a throne in civil war his ambitions turned to annex entire india. He was powerful fanancially as well as in military. He held almost 10 lakhs troops and high military in entire asia but he failed in Deccan.
Sir Jadunath Sarkar published a book on aurangzeb that is “ short history of aurangzeb “ he mentioned the sentence of Nepolean Bonaparte, he used to say “ A Spanish Ulcer ruined me just like Deccan Ulcer ruined Aurangzeb “ why aurangzeb could not annex south from marathas when he finished bijapur and govalkonda.
The maratha was a audacious power which never accepted mughal suzerainty at all. They was Deccani jamindars who worked for muslims sultanates several years but in the leadership of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj they defy the islamic sultanate power and revolted against them.
Whole Bijapur and Ahemadnagar dynasties were depended on maratha jamindars but later both sultanates had to received huge loss due to jamindars revolt.
All marathas had a immnese knowledge about southern geography while without any analysis and experience aurangzeb launched a expedition against maratha in 1681. He thought maratha will not able to resist us after the death of Shivaji Raja but his son king Sambhaji was also brave and intelligent as like his Father.
Reign of Sambhaji Raje - Before aurangzeb arrived in Deccan Sambhaji Maharaj destroyed huge part of mughal territory. He broke the aurangzeb misunderstanding that he will captured maratha empire. Aurangzeb alone fought against maratha but he had to face failure only. His son prince Akbar revolted against him and took shelter of marathas. According to Mughal chronicles aurangzeb sworn to kill Sambhaji then he will put the crown on his head.
Chatrapati Sambhaji literally challenged aurangzeb and defeated many times, many cities annexed and captured mughal treasures. Aurangzeb never got any huge success against Sambhaji then he decided to allince with portugese and abysinians.
First abysinian made alliance with aurangzeb but Sambhaji Assaults fell on them then they never put any step against Marathas and broke alliance. Next portugese acknowledge to assist aurangzeb but when Sambhaji entered in Goa then portugese also surrendered in front of his valour.
Continuously failure of aurangzeb made him crazy the 26 years old youth Sambhaji defeated mughals that is very bad insult of aurangze. Then he turned his ambition to captured Bijapur and in a year he possessed whole bijapur with Sikandar Adilshah and slew him. Then he turned to Govalkonda and he did same which he did with bijapur.
His intension again turned to maratha in 1688 whole year he faced failure and in 1689 he got successed to make a prison Sambhaji ( Sambhaji Maharaj relatives treachery with him ). He didn’t kneel down and spurned to life and sacrificed for Empire.
After him his younger brother Rajaram Ascended to throne he conflicted with aurangzeb 11 years and defeated him and scattered his ambition. Aurangzeb tried to arrest him but not possible. In 1700 King Rajaram died at Kondhana fort due to illness. Aurangzeb thought now maratha empire will fall in our hand easily because there were no anyone heir of next King.
But Rajaram wife Maharani Tarabai take overed the charge of empire and in 7 years from 1700 to 1707 she conflicted mughal power and finally aurangzeb died in Maharastra with his ambitions and dreams.
Tragedy of Aurangzeb - 1. Unequality in religions
2. Cruel and lack of understanding.
3. Worse behaviour with Generals.
The major reasons aurangzeb could not conquer maratha empire -
- No Geographical knowledge of south.
- No understanding with enemies.
- Had a worse habit to make enemy in every place.
- Impossible ambitions.
- No analysis on maratha power.
- No limit of endevour after several failure.
These are the reason aurangzeb could not annex south from maratha and had to stay in tent for 26 years and not able to go back delhi. He got repent on his deeds and lost all empire and its management.