Different meanings of Life

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Meaning of life is different for everyone. You can see it in your neighborhood.
  • One believes in success.
  • One believes to have someone in his life then only life can get completed.
  • One has quest for the divine.
  • One believes in earning only.
  • One believes in earning and spending on his aspirations.

Depending what do we want? What can quench our thirst? What can complete us? What can take us to stand at the pinnacle of happiness?

Most of us have no clue what we want to do with our lives. Even after we finish school, even after we get a job , even after we start making money, we fail to clearly define what we want from this life.

It’s a struggle almost every adult goes through in life. “What do I want to do with my life” ?”What I’m passionate about”?

Because there are so many answers to this question, it’s important to find that resonates us like , some say :—

• The meaning of life is to be happy,

• The meaning of life is to be at peace with yourself,

• The meaning of life is developing feeling of contentment ,

• The meaning of life is serving humanity,

• The meaning of life is to leave legacy,

• The meaning of life is to love others,

• The meaning of life is to create your own meaning,

• The meaning of life is to make a positive difference,

• The meaning of life is to have a variety of experiences,

• The meaning of life is to find something important enough to justify sufferings .

I mean , the concept for “meaning of life” is endless, people interpreting things as per their wisdom & thoughts , making spirituality a complex ,conflicting , chaotic & mysterious experience in itself.

Part of the problem is the concept of “life meaning ”itself . The idea that we’re each born for some higher purpose & now it’s our cosmic mission to find it is the shitty logic used to justify things.

People come to wonder about the meaning of life for a number of different reasons.

May be they are inherently curious, or they have recently experienced a family tragedy, may be they’re questioning their faith or they are going through a depression or pressures in life & are looking for a renewed sense of meaning to escape the sufferings.

So, when people say, “what should I do with life”? or “what’s the meaning of life” ? What they are actually asking is” What can I do with my time that’s important?”

This is definitely a better question to ask. It’s far more manageable & it doesn’t have all the ridiculous baggage that the “ life meaning ” question demands.

There’s no reason for us to be contemplating the cosmic significance of our life while sitting on a couch all day eating potatoes.

Rather we should get off our ass & discover what feels important to us & go for it.Basically discovering meaning in our lives should be something that’s fun & interesting & not a chore.

Truth is , we exist on this planet for some determined period of time & we do things during the time available to us .Some of these are important & Some are not.

The important things that we do gives our lives meaning & happiness while the unimportant ones just kill time.

Everything sucks, some of the time.Everything involves some sort of struggle & sacrifice . There’s is no free lunch on earth. Nothing is goody- goody all the time.

It’s our ability to handle our struggles, the rough patches of our life, our tolerance threshold that determines the person that we become ultimately.

Suppose we want to become a brilliant doctor or a lawyer or a tech entrepreneur or a professional artist but we can’t handle failure, embarrassment,if we can’t stand 90 hrs work week then definitely we’re not going to make it far.

What unpleasant experiences in life we are capable of handling, make us what we become in future.

If you avoid anything that embarrass you, then you are done away with instantly. It all comes back to vulnerability.

Living a life avoiding embarrassment is akin to living a life with your head in the sand .

Great things are , by their very nature, unique & unconventional. To achieve them , we must go against the herd mentality. And to do that is scary but do it .

Find a problem you care about & start solving it. What most people fail to understand is that the passion is the result of action, not the cause of it.

Discovering what you are passionate about in life & what matters to you is a trial & error process.

We exactly don’t know how it feels to do the activity until we actually do the activity.

Most of us don’t like thinking about death. It freaks us out. But thinking about our own death surprisingly has a lot of practical advantages.

One of those is it forces us to zero in on what’s actually important in our lives & what’s just frivolous & distracting.

Ultimately death only gives us perspective on the value of our life.

Because it’s only by imagining our non-existence that we can get a sense of what’s most important about our existence & hence meaning of our life.

When people have no sense of direction , no meaning in life , it’s because they have not identified their goals in life.

And when we don’t know the values of our lives,we live with the priorities of others , instead of our own .


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