Story of Matsya Avatar:
- When the time of the end of the creation had come, Lord Vishnu took the Matsya avatar to save the world from the deluge.
- In this incarnation, Lord Vishnu killed a demon named Hayagriva. Hayagriva had hidden the Vedas in the depths of the ocean.
- Lord Vishnu appeared in the Matsya avatar and protected the Vedas.
- The legends associated with the Matsya avatar contain symbolism.
- The story of the Matsya avatar is inspired by the myths related to the flood.
Special things related to Matsya Avatar:
- In the Matsya avatar, Lord Vishnu is depicted as a giant fish.
- In the legends associated with the Matsya avatar, a small fish becomes a big fish under the protection of Manu.
- In the legends associated with the Matsya Avatar, the fish saves the man who will be the ancestor of the next race of mankind.