Why do many people say that Rukmini was 8 when she married Krishna?

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According to the Skanda Purana Book 5 (Avantya Khanda), Section 3 (Revakhanda), Chapter 142. It is mentioned that Lord Krishna had married to Maa Rukmini when she was 8 years old. But is it true? It was heavily misinterpreted

Only according to skand puran because they calculate the age differently because of divja a hindu ritual of 2md birth. When a male or female gain the education of vedas they wear janeu and their age is counted from their. Rukhmani was 8 when she had janeu so from their her age was counted as 0. Her divjya age was 8 when she met krishna . 8+8= 16.

And in other Hindu Scriptures, it was mentioned that Lord Krishna had married to Maa Rukmini at the age of 16 years old only

Just read the below lines from Vishnu parva, do you really think, it is description of a 8 years girl?

She is clearly mentioned as a grown up maiden

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