What are some mind-blowing facts about the universe?

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  • A neutron star ten miles in diameter could have more mass than three stars comparable in size to our Sun.
  • Light from the centre of the Milky Way takes 25,000 years to reach us on Earth.
  • The largest black hole on record weighs as much as 40 billion suns and is orbited by another, small black hole. the largest known black hole is TON 618, with a mass of 66 billion times the Sun's mass
  • The sun accounts for 99 percent of the total matter in our solar system.
  • It takes to sun up to 250 million years to complete one revolution around the Milky Way.
  • Voyager 2, travelling on average 42,000 miles an hour, reached Neptune in 12 years.

Image(s) Source : Google

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