Bhagwati Uma is none other than the beloved wife of Bhagwan Shiv. Bhagvatī Umā is Parā Śhaktī the mother of Bramhā, Vişņu and Rudrā. She is Bramhā Svarupinī.
उमेति मात्रा तपसे निषिद्धा कालिका च सा। पश्चादुमाख्यां सुमुखी जगाम भुवने मुने ॥१७॥
Afterwards when Kālī wanted to perform a penance she was forbidden by her mother who said-"O, no (Umā). Hence O sage, the sweet faced lady came to be called Uma in the world .
~ Shiv mahapurana 🌹
प्रोक्ता पराजिता वीर्यादुर्गा दुर्ग्रहरूपतः । ओंकारसारशक्तित्वादुमेति परिकीर्तिता ॥ ११ ॥
She is also designated as Aparajita or invincible, virya the mighty and Durga-the inaccessible, and is like wise renowned as uma, for her being composed of the powers of the three letters of the mystic syllable Om.
~ From Yoga Vasistha🌹
Bhagwati Uma is herself Pranav swaroopini :-
परं ब्रह्म परं ज्योतिः प्रणवद्वन्द्वरूपिणी ।अहमेवास्मि सकलं मदन्यो नास्ति कश्चन ॥२८॥
The great Brahman, the great light in the form of the two Pranavas, I alone am. I am all. There is none other beside me.
~ Shiv puran 🌹
Bhagwati Uma is the Daughter of King Himavan.
स तस्मिन्नेवाकाशे स्त्रियमाजगाम बहुशोभमानामुमाँ हैमवतीं ताँहोवाच किमेतद्यक्षमिति ॥ २५ ॥
25. In that space itself (where the Yaksha had disappeared) Indra approached an exceedingly charming woman. To that Uma , to the daughter of the Himalayas, who was decked in the gold he said: "Who is that yaksha? ”
~ Kena upnishad 🌹
Sri Matre Namah 🌹