What are the symptoms of high cholesterol? How to lower cholesterol levels?

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 Common Signs of High Cholesterol on the Body

The signs of high cholesterol vary from individual to individual as some experience chest pain due to reduced blood flow to the heart while some experience skin deposits. Let’s talk about the common signs in detail.

  • Skin Deposits: People whose cholesterol levels are going up may experience yellowish bumps or lumps on the elbows, knees, or buttocks. We know those yellowish bumps with the name of Xanthomas, which are fatty deposits. Some people experience cholesterol deposits called Xanthelasma appear as yellowish patches on the eyelids.
  • Shortness of Breath: Shortness of breath is one of the major signs of increasing cholesterol levels. Whenever you engage in a physical activity, you will often feel running short of breath. The shortness of breath can be due to high-intensity activity, but if you experience shortness of breath with each activity, it is a sign that your cholesterol levels are going up and it is time to take control of them.
  • Feet Ulcers: When your cholesterol levels are high, there will be poor circulation of blood and your body will experience open wounds or sores on the feet that don’t heal until your cholesterol goes down.
  • Psoriasis: Even some individuals experience Psoriasis due to increased cholesterol levels. If you don’t know Psoriasis, in this problem, there will be red, pink, or purple patches of skin and it will become itchy.

These are some common signs that your body is experiencing high cholesterol levels and if you experience anyone among the above, the first thing you should do is to get medical tests done. The tests will confirm whether the problems you are experiencing are due to high cholesterol or due to some other reason.

The signs talked about above are minor problems and that’s why most people don’t take them seriously; however, the problems should be taken seriously; otherwise, these minor problems will turn into bigger ones later on. Now the question is how to drop your cholesterol levels all of a sudden. For your information, the cholesterol levels will not drop in a day. What you can do is stop taking the foods you are currently eating because your cholesterol levels will rise from the food you eat.

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